Eh, I've traveled a lot, and while people in places like the US west/east coasts tend to be a lot less racist, the entire middle/south of the US are just as racist as most places in Europe and Asia. Growing up, I was sold the narrative that European countries had little to no racism, and the US is the problem. But racism is everywhere, and not just the mild racism that the US coasts get, but like, openly telling a stranger to watch out for <insert racial slur> because they are going about ruining <neighborhood/city/country/etc.> I will say that anecdotally, the US west coast is the least blatantly racist, but you can see systemic racism literally everywhere.
This definitely applies to a good number of gay couples in Texas too. Hetero Women do have it worse in this regard though. Progressive Southern woman's options are pretty much:
A) Be celibate
B) Move somewhere else
C) Settle for the Most Racist Man Alive
Single Hetero Progressive men are unicorns in the American South, and them being Progressive is no guarantee they will treat a woman any better. They often come with their own batch of issues and a lot of them are fuckboys.
was more referring to the first part. how do you know? I'm going to go to really unreasonable lengths with this line of questioning, just so you know what you're getting into.
mood. but what about making sure you aren't the most racist man alive? how do you know? how can a system have full knowledge of itself? how does the observer observe, in this case, himself? what even IS knowledge?