Banned from reddit for saying Nazi should get punched in the face...
Apparently posting pictures of Nazis being punched in the face on r/pics is ok, but saying this Nazi loving pos should be punched in the face isn't...
Apparently that is encouraging violence, and is a problem, but showing violence isn't promoting it and isn't a problem...
I was trying to upload a screenshot, but app kept saying error, I didn't realize post actually went through till now cause I told app to discard.
Was banned by u/reddit cause I said this lady deserved to be punched in face. Woke up to a permanent ban after appealing ban and suggesting they were Nazi sypathizers.
I don't want a remedy, I want to burn down the Nazi sypathizers platform.
Remember, when someone brags about a ban and omits plenty of details you can assume the worst. OP probably posted pictures of newborn babies being punched in the face and argued that all Mongolian babies are nazis or something.
Happened to me once, too. Only time I ever got a site ban and it was for agreeing with a post about punching Nazis. The main post stayed up, while they systematically banned everyone who agreed with it for promoting violence. I spammed the appeals inbox until an actual person responded and unbanned me. But it was just another thing that had me looking for alternatives and then the API bullshit happened and Lemmy was brought up. Been here ever since.