Is there any place where financial reports of The Foundation are published? Like, summary of income through donations, who is currently employed by The Foundation and how are ...
As of 2025-03-02, the matrix foundation has not released a single financial report despite being a non-profit.
Process wise: we finally have a Governing Board and a Finance & Fundraising Committee, and I shared rough figures with them last night. I'm gunna work through things with the Committee when we meet in early March, and then share more. I'm really sorry it's taken so long.
And in terms of numbers, out of the $1.2M annual costs we mention there, here's the rough breakdown:
$360K/yr – Trust & Safety
$250K/yr – Other folks, covering program management, legal, compliance, finance, IT, security, dev
$240K/yr – Server and SRE
$170K/yr – My salary, covering fundraising, open governance, community relations, biz ops, and people mgmt
$150K/yr – Matrix Conf + other events
$30K/yr – Assorted expenses like travel, lodging, productivity infra