MONTREAL — With Canadians – and even Quebecers – rallying around the flag in the face of threats from the Trump administration, the sovereigntist Parti Québécois is struggling to find its footing.
This guy subvert the indépendance mouvement to be the next Québécois Trump. PSPP is losing steam for the same reason PeePee is losing momentum, bullshit nationalism doesn’t offer much in front of Trump
It's confusing times. If there was ever a movement in support of US territorial subservience, a Quebec referendum is probably more likely, and one where secession before annexation has clearer legal path. I understand their current support for Canada.
As if trump would want Quebec anyway. They’re too French for him.
Anyway. Vermonter here. Even our states name is French. Surely he wouldn’t notice if we just left and joined Quebec right? If you’ll let us? We can run a maple syrup cartel together 🥹
Most Canadians would love the idea of states joining us. They wouldn't even refuse solidly red states, I think. It would make Canada stronger, and a better life for the states. Economic power together is enhanced. Canada even as 10 states instead of 1, doesn't work because US debt is too high, and US simply has too harsh of a society meant for oligarchy. Healthcare would be a major issue.