Hello lemmy! I am a underGrad in Delhi, India. This is my portfolio website made with React, Typescript and Tailwind. Please go through it and if possible rate it.
Don't apologise 😄
It might be better if you use bloggy parts of your site as a main page, they might be actually useful for you and other people.
Make about page that is about you, what you have done (even small projects but not hello world level), what are you actually interested in doing. Right now it's impossible to understand that. Some social links doesn't work, or return 404.
If this is a portfolio then i would remove a lot of stuff like "watch list" and "current obsession". The focus should be on your work and future projects
Notes are ok for a start but can be improved. I think a "posts" or "blog" would be better section title, and the content should try to teach something you've learned rather than be the notes you took for a subject. The difference is that teaching reinforces your understanding of the topic. So pick something smaller from those topics and teach it. I wouldn't redo your current notes necessarily, but going forward i would pick a more focused topic and teach.
i would then move the "blog" or "posts" to your front page to show the most recent content and then link to /posts where the rest of it can be found. Or highlight projects on front page instead depending on what you want focus to be.
move your front page content to a more "resume" section that includes a section for the tools you know. And still think about the length/space of this page. Like a printed resume, too long is bad. So make sure it outlines things nicely
Overall if it was just a personal site id say its ok. But as a portfolio site you have some work to make it align with your goals. Good luck!
I will mention that I have JS disabled by default and your website shows up as a completely blank white page. You're certainly not obliged to cater to weirdos like me, but you may be interested to know that there are some people who browse the web this way for speed, privacy or security reasons. Most websites I visit this way are fine because they are server-side rendered.
My comments from someone who doesn't know much about programming yet:
Make the "get in touch" button functional
The "Language" category could be named "Experience working with:" Or something more professional
Search for better logos for the programming languages you know, and make them smaller
Many elements have contrast issues, black text on very dark blue backgrounds, etc. That's very very important
Cursor doesn't change on top of links
The landing page could contain some pictures of your best websites or more visually pleasing projects. And if this is a personal website "watchlist" and such are okay, but if it's meant to be a portfolio for companies... Keep it professional
Overall, it was still okay, but needs some polishing
On my phone the site is very stuttery when scrolling. Could be a problem on my end but maybe do some profiling to see if it's using a lot of resources and test it on lower end devices?
Firstly, you are probably going to need a pdf version of your resume. I've tried to get people to accept a website resume but they refuse, and explicitly want pdf. I link to a pdf on my website because of this. Do something similar.
Your notes are very in depth, and organized.
However, I agree with the other commenters about the overall site design and (over)use of JS. The cropping and spacing is overall poor, which only harms the site design further, given the already bad overall organization.
Another thing is icons. These are big and unevenly spaced. Use something like fontawesome (probably not this since it doesn't have everything, you may end up having to find svg logo's of the various things yourself) instead. If you are trying to do web development, your portfolio must look cleaner. Like in bootstrap, the place where the icon is, has sharp corners, which extend outward from bootstraps rounded corners.
I do disagree with one of the other commenters on the use of the term "language". I like it. Especially for a resume, brevity is better. I think overall, you should compress your site down, rather than having so much wasted space.
The coordinates on the home page are neat, but too long. Six decimals is already metre or centimetre accuracy, so either your values are just random after that or your doxxing yourself on a microscopic level 😉
I suggest cutting it off at three or four decimals to make it look cleaner.
Might not want to share your personal information publically - That information is PII and in western countries need to be handled with care.
When I hover my mous on the top menu my mouse shape is for text, not clicking
The cards are of different sizes. Makes it look weird.
Look into Polars. Read their User Guide. Better API (no weird use of brackets[[]]), faster, nicer to work with than Pandas (and can still convert to Pandas, just in case).
Not a big fan of all the <div><div><div><div> - Use <nav>, <article> (semantic HTML). You can find details on the HTML spec page: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/dev/ (you should look at chapter 4). Maybe also looks into CSS Box Model instead of using flex all over the place :)
No mobile optimization
No mobile menu
Image of you is grainy and weirdly chopped
Why all the software logos with dates?.. Is that when you started learning them.. Anyway, completely useless unless you explain how much experience you have with each, drop the image, it's so 1980s I almost puked.
I didn't get past the front page, nor would anyone else.
Sorry, but you asked for a rate / roast and this page is cancerous.