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This Linux laptop maker called me a Zombie This Linux laptop maker called me a Zombie

Two years ago I was contacted by a company called MALIBAL. They were interested in a sponsorship, where I would simply put their link in the video description and get money for it. I did a quick background check, and they seemed like a proper Linux hardware manufacturing company. I

This Linux laptop maker called me a Zombie

Langer Artikel, aber wahrscheinlich das Lustigste was ich diese Woche gesehen habe. Jemand Erfahrung mit MALIBAL? Die Ein-Mann-Firma ist recht schnell darin, den Bannhammer zu schwingen und ganze Benutzergruppen, Bundesstaaten oder gar Länder vom Kauf ihrer Produkte auszuschließen. Da ist "Zombiegate" wirklich nur die Spitze des Eisbergs.

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This Linux laptop maker called me a Zombie

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Found my new favorite Linux laptop manufacturer/j

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