the spiral in his left eye (from the snails perspective) rotates clockwise outwards, in his right eye counterclockwise, right? beautiful counterclockwise snail-house-Spiral as well!
Overall i count beautiful 5 spirals in your image:
Yes, I made the eye spirals go in opposite directions. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
The background is from a program I wrote a few years ago to experiment with graphics techniques. It actually produces a complex, animated oscillating spiral that smoothly evolves into concentric rings. It's pretty trippy.
Hey and welcome! Friendly reminder that in this community the comments directly underneath the post must be drawing submissions. You could still make a drawing to the request and edit your comment! :)
I'm not so strict about this if the comment is within the topic, and your suggestion is interesting so I'm not going to remove it. Just posting this as a reminder for people.
Don't be shy about drawing, no drawing is bad here