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Hello and welcome to our community!

Your contribution is what makes it thrive, so please share your thoughts.

This is a safe place to discuss, vent, and share information about bipolar disorder. It is also a place for peer support and comfort.

Please use empathy and common sense when posting and commenting. We are all in this together, let’s stay kind and civil.

The rules for posting and commenting, besides the rules defined here for, are as follows:


  • If you are having thoughts of suicide, please call a friend, family member, 988 in the US, or find transportation to your closest emergency room (call 911 in the US).

  • Please be sensitive when discussing suicide and self-harm. Posts threatening suicide are subject to immediate removal.

  • Posts containing medical advice or diagnosing others are not allowed. If you are posting about traditional or alternative treatment methods, please keep the post focused on your personal experience.

  • We do not allow promotion, solicitation, or affiliate links. For interviews, surveys, and studies, please contact the moderators.

  • Harassment of any kind is not tolerated. Do not harass any user for any reason including treatment plan/medication adherence, race, religion, gender, sexuality, disability, etc.

  • You may post bipolar memes and jokes as well as serious content. This rule may change later at the community’s discretion.

Community Moderation

For inquiry on becoming a moderator of this community, please send a message to the current moderators.

  • Hello, fellow polar bears.

    I was diagnosed with bipolar in my teens after a mental breakdown, over a decade ago. It's nice to see that that we have a community.

    Can I ask for clarifications on the rules? "We do not allow promotion" does that include links to resources we find? Thank you!

    • Hi, there! Thank you for stopping by. Posting resources you find is allowed - and encouraged! "No promotion" only refers to promoting content for which you would get paid. Please let me know if you have any other questions :)

  • Got diagnosed bipolar 2 in february and don't have much experience in bipolar communities, but hi :)

    • Hi and welcome! I have bipolar 1 myself, diagnosed about 7 years ago. How are you handling the diagnosis, if you don't mind me asking? I remember having a tough time while also being relieved I know what I have.

      • Honestly I'm just happy my medication (lamotrigin) works as well as it does. I'm not too hung up on the diagnosis itself (even though there's a lot of stigma surrounding bipolar diagnoses), since I've been on and off anti-depressants for more than half my life now, nothing much matters outside of me feeling more like myself