Correction, ICE put out a press release saying it was conducting raids in Chicago after saying they were reconsidering. We don't have reliable (i.e. independent) information on where specifically was raided, who was detained, etc. (at least, not that I saw in this article).
One of the first steps to resisting any kind of tyrannical government is to stop taking them at their word when they tell you to believe something. They want to hurt migrants but they're also trying to terrorize them and have every incentive to exaggerate what they're capable of doing.
Most people arrested on immigration charges either stay in custody until they can get a hearing, or get released with a court date. They only get deported after they go through the system and the order to kick them out is finalized. Usually, the court date option works fine, since immigration generally knows where they are, there are options with ankle monitors and things, and they can get in more trouble by trying to avoid it.
At least that's how it used to be. Now, for all I know Trump is trying to hold on to every single person, but that's quickly going to become unsustainable as fuck because the facilities were already bursting at the seams. Of course, maybe the misery that will result, and the temptation to say "fuck your hearing, we don't have time for that" is part of the plan.
Edit: Also, he seems to want to use the military to turbo-kick people out without bothering with the hearing. It's not clear to me whether that's what is happening, and I hope not, but that seems to be what he wants to do.
The plan is to build private facilities (concentration camps) to house these people in and make them pay off their deportation costs by working in sweatshops. The goal is to eliminate the dependency on Chinese labor. And we all know how these people love slaves.
I’d say what needs to be done, but since you are very much in favor of censoring any kind of resistance over in your community, I doubt you’d be willing to here it here.