These are some odd censorship choices. In America, libertarian is short for (not really anarcho) anarcho-capitalist and they tend to vote right wing. They’re the tea party essentially and trumps election is a culmination of the tea party’s power. I consider myself a left libertarian / anarcho-communist but we are not that common in America. Unfortunately.
And why censor Carter? He’s dead. And why biden but not Harris? So odd.
I don't see how the entire screenshot would be any harder to photoshop. But you can look through this thread and find multiple different people confirming it on their ends too.
I see you've already seen that one, but the point is multiple people are having different results. Unless you think like 10 different people are independently lying about it.
Plus the one I linked earlier, plus OP. That's 9 people saying it's real in this thread alone. If you take a look in the reddit thread OP sent a few minutes ago, there are at least several dozen more people agreeing. Like thesetwo for quick examples.
My guess is its dynamic filtering, where the content it brings up is triggering filters. So depending on geolocation, 'for you' styling, etc, it is blocked or not, same with the other terms. Why this is happening, is the real question, what is triggering that 'sensitive' filter? What did they change, or what changed about the posts that flagged it?