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Europe Anarcho-Bolshevik

The working class in France buries its gravediggers Communiqué: The working class in France buries its gravediggers

Communiqué of the Coordination of Communist Nuclei (CNC) in the Spanish State (Spain) published March 28, 2023. Workers World publishes this communiqué because it could also apply as a message for the working class in the United States. Translation: John Catalinotto. Allez vous-faire foutre!

Communiqué: The working class in France buries its gravediggers

Workers’ power also showed itself in other ways. The energy workers, through clandestine operations, cut off electricity to the headquarters of Macron’s party, to the homes of his deputies and of big businessmen, to big multinationals and especially to data center firms, to road radar trackers and other instruments of control. On the contrary, free electricity was provided to hospitals, schools, elderly people’s homes, working-class neighborhoods where the most oppressed sectors of the class are concentrated, etc.

And the struggle continues jusqu’ au bout (until the end). And these are not just words. For the first time in recent history, and taking up again one of the sacred rules of the International Workers Association, resistance funds have been set up, which in a few days have collected more than 3 million euros.