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Europe Anarcho-Bolshevik

As pension cut becomes French law: Unions fight back As pension cut becomes French law: Unions fight back

Following the April 14 rubber-stamp approval by France’s Constitutional Council, on April 15 President Emmanuel Macron signed into law the unpopular “reform” bill cutting workers’ pensions.  The General Confederation of Labor (CGT), the most militant of the union federations in the “Bloc” of

As pension cut becomes French law: Unions fight back

The Constitutional Council, a cabal of pro-capitalist former politicians, and Macron ignored the millions of French workers, both active and retired, youth and students, farmers and other progressives, who took to the streets April 13 to protest. The CC approved the new pension system, with a few minor objections, and disapproved a request to hold a popular referendum on this issue.

(Reminder that antisocialists have a fucked up idea of what democracy looks like.)