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Europe Anarcho-Bolshevik

European workers fight for wages and rights European workers fight for wages and rights

This article was published in the Nov. 17 issue of Avante, the newspaper of the Portuguese Communist Party, giving a roundup of struggles in Europe by the workers, whose living standards have been reduced as they are forced to pay the costs of the pandemic and the U.S./NATO proxy war in Ukraine. Tra

European workers fight for wages and rights

In Greece, a 24-hour strike and demonstrations took place Nov. 9 in Athens and other cities to demand price control measures and wage increases. The actions were called by the most representative union confederations in the country, the General Confederation of Greek Workers and the All Workers Militant Front.

In the capital, thousands of people filled the streets of the city center and, waving placards and banners, denounced the policies of the right-wing government and the European Union that “generate poverty, hunger and inequality” and “leave people frozen while they warm up the profits of big business.”

(Emphasis original.)