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Europe Anarcho-Bolshevik

Red Square/Molotov Club: ‘Stop NATO! Peace to the People!’ Red Square/Molotov Club: ‘Stop NATO! Peace to the People!’

The following is a memorandum issued by the VI Annual Conference of the expert community “Red Square/Molotov Club,” held May 24-25 in Moscow. Participants of the VI Annual Conference of the expert community “Red Square / Molotov Club” (hereinafter: “Community”), held with the organizational s

Red Square/Molotov Club: ‘Stop NATO! Peace to the People!’

We call on the governments and peoples of the European Union to resist the policy of sanctions initiated by the United States against the Russian Federation! Sanctions bring mutual harm to the EU and Russia.

Stop the systematic violations by the countries of the West and Ukraine of the terms of the grain deal to provide the world market with grain from Ukraine!

We demand the cessation of military assistance from the United States and its allies to the Kiev regime!

We support the initiative of Humberto Carvalho (Brazilian Communist Party) to create a World Organization of Anti-Fascists!