State government trial follows years of pressure from health advocates to introduce pill testing and end ‘harmful’ drug policing practices
They stay in support of drug dogs and strip searching though. Practices which directly lead to overdoses as people swallow their drugs in a panic.
Last year their refusal to allow pill testing killed people. Hopefully this year fewer families will have holes punched in them by ideological belligerence that sees their deaths as a fair price in pursuit of a goal that has never been achieved in any country anywhere in history.
@NaevaTheRat I can totally see anyone wanting to approach the pill testing tent at a festival to have to get through a wall of cops with sniffer dogs and strip searching.
Someone (or a bunch of people) should go down deliberately looking suspicious, carrying paracetamol and powdered sugar. Walk in and out of the pill testing. Discreetly palm some of it over to someone else. Etc.
Tie up police resources dealing with bullshit rather than people doing actual drugs.
Well you see you put the pill testing in and then surround it by police so no one wants to use. That way you can point out how ineffective it is and can it.