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A Catgirl Space Marine of my new Chapter


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  • Dark Angels successors?

    • I'm not so sure about the lore yet, I picked the colour scheme because I liked it without really thinking about existing chapters. Right now they're a remnant from the relatively "tolerant" days of the Great Crusade who are loyal to an Imperium that doesn't exist anymore (or never existed) and only recently resurfaced in the galaxy because cats are good at hiding and now fight against both Chaos and the current Imperium. I guess being linked to the Dark Angels would be possible, or maybe just their founder was. Or maybe they thought Lion El'Johnson was a real lion and picked the colours to honour the big cat. The more important thing is that they have catgirls and catboys and that I love them and that they fight for the Catperor.

      • if you want the uncertain loyalty chapter who might be renegade pretending to be loyalist or have entire other agenda not aligning with any faction Dark Angels successor chapter is probably the best choice (there's also Alpha Legion though DA successors can be more open), since the notrious secrecy of them all and all the Unforgiven nonsense, while it can provide somewhat of a protection against the Inquisition the minor chapters don't have.

        Or maybe they thought Lion El’Johnson was a real lion

        Lmao that would be great moment since he just returned, and is as grumpy as ever, as one of my friends said "a hipster grandpa".

        The more important thing is that they have catgirls and catboys

        Obligatory reminder:

        Felinids (Homo sapiens hirsutus) - Felinids are endemic to the Imperial world of Carlos McConell. Whether this is due to the particular biological requirements of that planet, prior genetic modifications made to a Human population during the Dark Age of Technology or prior Imperial regulation is unknown, but they are virtually unheard of in the Imperium at large. Felinids are Humans who have had their genomes spliced with genetic sequences derived from various species of Terran felines, and they possess many felinoid traits, including a light covering of fur over their entire body, extended canine teeth and superhuman agility and grace.