Ok, I understand that this is a shitpost. I also understand that the intent is to be encouraging. I think Mr. Rogers would understand that and perhaps support it. What I really don't agree with here is mincing the words of probably the only person that the entirety of the US is not only OK with, but supports. In the US, be you Liberal, GQP, or whatever middle or adjacent views you have - this is the most loved person in all of media.
There are hundreds of quotes from him that anyone with an IQ over 20 universally agree with. I know that this is kind of a rant; but please let his words, and only his words, speak for themselves;
Mr. Rogers had, they claimed, destroyed an entire generation with his liberal notions of entitlement. As the originator of the snowflake concept, he was an "evil, evil man." The show's moderators cited unnamed "experts" and a professor at Louisiana State University.