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Organize! SankaraStone

Can the community craft complaints to the FTC, US DOJ, and the European Commission informing them of Chrome's monopoly actions on ManifestV3 after starting the movement on c/Technology? In light of articles all over Lemmy about Google pushing ManifestV3 onto Chrome and the majority of web users, isn't that an antitrust violation? -

So as I understand it, Google’s using it’s monopoly market position to force web “standards” unilaterally (without an independent/conglomerate web specification standards where Google is only one of many voices) that will disadvantage its competitors and force people to leave its competitors. I’m no...

In light of articles all over Lemmy about Google pushing ManifestV3 onto Chrome and the majority of web users, isn't that an antitrust violation? -

Can the lawyers and web technology experts of Lemmy or our friends at the EFF or Louis Rossmann himself help organize the crafting of antitrust complaints to the FTC, DOJ, and the European Commission? If so, and we get these complaints crafted, then we can share them with the community so that we can all file them with these regulators. We can organize our course of action and coordinate the action itself here for example.

Start a Movement! SankaraStone

An example of movement that can be started here on Lemmy: Petitioning the FTC, DOJ, and the European Commission to address the anticompetitive practices of Google with its Chrome browser

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