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Sony, Ubisoft scandals lead to California ban on deceptive digital goods sales Sony, Ubisoft scandals prompt Calif. ban on deceptive sales of digital goods

New California law reminds us we don't own games and movies.

Sony, Ubisoft scandals prompt Calif. ban on deceptive sales of digital goods
  • That's okay. I was a customer of games and movies, but I do not watch anything on TV, go to the movies or play anything except open source games. I read, talk to offline open source AI, and mod the games I play. I never see ads or lower my expectations to suit my media any more. As a result, after a few years, I can't go back. The vast majority of TV movies and games are just absolute garbage in the first place. Gaining some disconnected perspective puts a spotlight on the awful clowns. Abandon them, and don't look back or care what happens after.