The number of bicyclists we lose in collisions with cars, just in Somerville and Cambridge, is tragic and terrifying. 😭
(I actually did check and make sure it wasn't @[email protected] we lost...
Not in any way forgiving cars, but for my own cycling I at least try to avoid those unsafe intersections where possible. I’m still uneasy about taking the bridges into downtown more than I need to.
Almost as if sharing the road on a 30 pound bike with 3000+ pound cars is inherently risky. If only there was some kind of infrastructure that could keep these things mostly seperated.
It's infuriating that we can't achieve a balance with anything these days.
Cars don't need to be evil, they should be a tool for when you need to go outside of an easily serviceable area (rural areas). Get rid of the monstrously large trucks/SUV's. Lastly, put it better infrastructure for turning our roads bike and people friendly.
It's not hard, it's just going to be expensive and take time.
I don't walk or ride a bike in my city because it seems like a death sentence, I am in one that's safer than most.
I would like to have the option however.