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Jill Stein Is Destroying the Green Party Jill Stein Is Killing the Green Party

With membership at new lows and no electoral wins to their name, it’s time for the Greens to ditch the malignant narcissist who’s presided over its decline.

Jill Stein Is Killing the Green Party

With membership at new lows and no electoral wins to their name, it’s time for the Greens to ditch the malignant narcissist who’s presided over its decline.

Over the last several years, much ink has been spilled over the fact that one of America’s political parties has been captured—if not contorted into an outright cult of personality—by an aging, megalomaniacal autocrat apologist and repeat loser who cares about little outside accruing power and personal enrichment. You are probably conjuring the image of Donald Trump. You’re not wrong, but this dynamic actually applies to two of America’s political parties: the GOP under Trump and the Green Party under Dr. Jill Stein.

  • I feel they are one of three things. At best they are incompetent clowns. They don't try in seats they rationally have a chance at down ballot. They could just be virtue signaling. By itself, if you just stand out in the road jerking off, while people are wrestling for the wheel of the bus, that's not helpful to anyone. They also try to get others to masturbate with them instead of doing any kind of harm reduction ("the lesser...of ...two evils.. is still... EvIL, oh God I'm almost there" is something I imagine then saying a lot. But they are effectively doing nothing, and all that is needed for evil to flourish right? So they then encourage others to do effectively nothing). They could also be spoiling on purpose, and a lot of people feel that's what they are doing. I'll defend the devil for a second before pointing out that he is the devil. There's an idea that this could get the democrats further left, it's a dangerous game but that could work. However, you need to at least acknowledge any step they take with you. In reality you need to offer them more than one vote for every vote they lose from the center(or right, but we are talking the American center). I haven't seen either happen. A certain user on here won't acknowledge anything done to step towards him. I just got sick of it and blocked the guy but things like when biden said he wouldn't sanction the icj for their stance on Israel like the Rs wanted. The dude said he'd turn around and do it anyway. Why would the democrats step towards you if you can't acknowledge when they do? I'd argue that the best thing that guy did for the Palestinian people is I donated to the un refugee fund to shut him up once. I've never seen him support them like that. I never see the greens supporting people like that. Only empty words and pining for offices they will never get into.