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Manga Questions, Recommendations, and Discussion Thread [2024, Week 38]

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Another week in the books. Let's chat about manga in the general discussion thread! Feel free to use this thread for questions, comments, recommendations, etc.

Like normal, please be careful with spoilers. I wrote a guide about spoilers in case you need a refresher on how to handle them (also linked in the sidebar).


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  • Meta:

    Looks like Photon has started recognizing words in square brackets as tags, so I'm now inclined to use them.

    exhibit A

    My only complaint is with the way some tags are spelt.

    Presumably, DISC is short for discussion. If this is the case, can we just use the full spelling? The Week 38 tag takes up 8 characters, which is not far off discussion's 10 characters.

    Arguments supporting my complaint:

    • TIL tags are a thing in photon. That is super cool actually.

      Happy to hear from others what their thoughts are on this.

      Currently there is no requirement for tags in this community (so feel free to switch things up). The [DISC] convention has simply been carried over from the manga subreddit. For a while when I started this community, I was making all my posts without the [DISC] tag to try to effect change. However, it never really caught on and everybody else kept using [DISC], so I switched back. I don't see any reason that we have to keep the same convention as reddit, but there is always a lot of inertia in trying to change a community's culture.

      The only issue I can think of is that in the world of super long light novel adaptation titles, you might run into character limits with the longer title that a different tag would have. I have run into character limits for a couple of series in the past and have had to edit down a title or two.

      • The only issue I can think of is that in the world of super long light novel adaptation titles, you might run into character limits with the longer title that a different tag would have.

        While this is a good point, I don't think cutting down 6 characters would be of much help.

        • That's a good point! It just popped into my brain as I was typing replies instead of going to sleep.

    • Look mom, I'm on TV a screenshot!

      I've been using [DISC] as a carry on from reddit but I don't mind either way. I'll be happy to switch to whatever community decides on. Lets just put it in tag list on the sidebar when that happens.

      Speaking of the sidebar - we already have shortened tags listed there. While they aren't particularly common at the moment should we also change how they're written? It would be nice if we kept things consistent. Something to think about @[email protected].

    • Alright, I updated the sidebar a bit to reflect the new meta. Specifically,

      • I changed up the tags a bit to match what I use on [email protected]. Specifically, the previous tags were [ART] and [NEWS] and now they are [Art] and [News].
      • I decided to leave the [RT!] tag since it is abbreviating multiple words, so the capitalization makes sense.
      • I decided to deprecate and remove the [SL] tag since I don't think it has ever been used once in this community and was simply carried over from reddit.

      Unrelated to tags, I also refreshed the related communities list.

      • Thanks for the work.

        I propose replacing [RT!] with another tag. Right now, it's being used by to recommend people to read a manga. IMO it can be more general-purposed, and be used to tag posts in which people are asking for recommendations as well.

        Also, "Read This!" doesn't make as much sense for anime, if we want a consistent tag for both communities.

        The most straightforward replacement is [Recommendation], but it's long and a pain in the ass to type. Gotta check a thesaurus.

    • If this is the case, can we just use the full spelling?

      Ugh. After nearly ten years on /r/manga it's hard to change my habits. I understand why you would want that, but I'll fight your ways until the end of my days. 😝