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Experimental activism: building a community center, step 3-4

Setting a date for the introduction event and creating a buzz

We decided to set our date, designed posters and started publishing, mostly on FB and local groups on different messenger apps, despite silence from the town hall until today. I messaged the owner with our date. We also started contacting local people who we would like to invite, and set out requests for market vendors and artists.

This afternoon the town hall got back to us in a polite, but somewhat concerned sounding email, about 'clearing up doubts about our project and request for support' proposing a meeting next week! We are obviously delighted to be important enough to be honoured with a meeting, and have responded that 'we will happily introduce our project, clarify doubts and talk about support'.

We have already some artists and vendors, some associations wanting to present their work, and lots of people being very curious. Somebody offered us a translation and further help, someone else has been connecting me with potential organization structure examples our project could follow.

Best thing about all this: it's a community project and I feel very light about setting its seed and slowly sharing it with others. I am usually very anxious around other people and having to speak, scheduling stuff, having to present things ... and now it's just fun and I am so curious as to where this leads to.