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poetry Yohan Yuki Xieㆍ사요한・謝雪矢

Is she worth the wait?

Is she worth the wait?
by The Yūgen Bard

Sometimes I ask myself:
Is she worth the wait?
My heart replies:
Yes, she's worth the wait!

Sometimes I ask myself:
Is she worth the wait?
My mind answers:
She will only break your heart.

My heart whispers:
You love her, fight for her!
But my mind counters:
Forget her, she won't ever see you.

And my heart tells me:
She will love you, be patient.
Yet my mind insists:
Been there, done that, it was all but pain.

Copyright © 2011, 2015, 2017, 2020 "The Yūgen Bard" (JC John Sese Cuneta)
License: 🄯 2015; Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) 4.0 International

#YourOnlyOne #Tula #Poem #Poetry #YugenBard