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COSMIC Team Interview: Building Your Own User Experience System76 Blog

Official System76 Blog

System76 Blog
  • I think it's really smart to build their own DE without any of the baggage the existing ones have. With so many smart dedicated engineers, I think it will evolve very quickly and probably become better than Gnome in about a year.

    • I mean, It's already faster for me as well as being more reliable. I would already put it in the "better then gnome" category.

    • I'm not sure smart is the right thing to say here, system76 backed themselves into a corner by criticizing gnome. They either had to do their own thing or put up with it, they clearly decided to do their own thing and show gnome how they think a DE should be managed. However there are other ways to handle it and Linux mint has done an amazing job with cinnamon and mate.

      • system76 backed themselves into a corner by criticizing gnome

        what does this even mean? S76 had been supporting gnome for a long time, and gnome never because anything actually good. Gnome is still a complete mess the second you try to do tweaking, it still has horrible performance, and the devs are still a pain to interact with.

        It's not like S76 just one day started having issues with gnome, S76 had been investing both development time and financially to the gnome project for years. PopOS was always going to eventually migrate away from gnome, because gnome is simply not a good DE for a paid product, and Gnome devs seem to have zero interesting in making it one.

      • Yeah but why not do their own thing though? Specially with the caliber of engineers they have there. They write a full desktop environment from scratch in a year or so? That's incredible.

        Sorry you got downvoted for having an opinion, that's not me doing it.