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[WP] An alien civilization on the verge of losing a war reaches out to anyone who will listen for aid. You are its ambassador, desperately trying to convince other societies to your aid.

  • We've made a mistake. We should have let sleeping dogs lie, but curiosity always had the best of us. Now, thirty years later, we are still paying for that mistake. This message stands as a final plea, and a warning. Some things are better left to the dark corners of the galaxy. If you've spacefaring craft, and are within reasonable persecs, we could use any assistance you can provide. We are no longer fighting a war, we are fighting for our survival. If you are a primitive species, unable to leave your planet, and have been unlucky enough to find this message, turn back. Turn off your technology and retreat to your caves. They are coming.

    They are coming, and they leave nothing in their wake. They are coming, and they want only for your death. There is no unity, like their unity. There is no might to match theirs. When they arrive, there is only the voice in your mind. It only has one thing to say; "Make us whole"

    end transmission