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new easy way to update postgres in your docker-compose.yml

instead of

image: postgres:16-alpine


image: pgautoupgrade/pgautoupgrade:16-alpine

Then all the upgrade instructions of backup->update->import backups go away and all you need to do is restart the docker container. (still keep backups though!)


Since that pull request was merged, this will simplify future updates like 0.19.6 or 0.20.0

  • We just had a global IT meltdown because an update wasn't vetted properly and you have the audacity to suggest this for database infrastructure.

    • Since you're using specific tags over just latest, it will only ever upgrade the major version to what you set.

      And it won't change the tags magically, so you can test all of it in your separate dev environment before running it in prod.

  • Not a fan, but it's merged already, so meh.