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Anime Polkira

Skip and Loafer Season 1 Episode 11 Discussion


  • Aaahhhh I love this show. Everyone's dynamics with each other is just so sweet and heart-warming. The girls have really developed a great friendship together. I always wish we got more Mitsumi and Shima time together on screen, it's just so fun watching them interact with each other.

    Super interested to see what will happen between Shima's mom and childhood friend! I'm still not super clear on what happened in the past, from what I've surmised Shima brought Ririka to a party and it was leaked to the press and put a huge spot on Ririka's career and reputaion maybe? Next week can't come soon eoungh!

  • Not as punchy as other episodes but the kid brother was great. Drama incoming with mom and ririka ?