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Reservoir Dogs Reservoir Dogs

Years ago people predicted ‘resource wars’ as natural resources like food and water became more and more scarce due to climate change. We’re in that future now, deep into it, and …

Reservoir Dogs

This is stealing from Jackie Baillie’s playbook. Normally it is Scotland that is being sold the idea of Weapons of Mass Destruction as a job creation scheme. But, as in most things Scotland doesn’t really matter in this election. We all know it, and John Curtice keeps (re) explaining it, but Scotland really doesn’t matter. Starmer is sailing into No 10 on a high-tide of revulsion against the inept and corrupt Tories, but we have to keep up the pretence that Scottish votes matter. 200,000 + Scots will be in Germany in July and damn few of them will be thinking about a postal vote. But, who cares?

It’s not true, as I have said earlier that Labour offers no change at all. They have successfully re-packaged British nationalism, re-framed a bellicose militarism in celebrating Trident as the basis for a social contract, hollowed-out any remnant principled MPs and remarkably successfully managed to be complicit in support of live genocide with, apparently, no discernible negative electoral impact.