Update Notes for May 21, 2024
Update Notes for May 21, 2024
What's included in the May 21st update to World of Tanks Modern Armor? Before logging in on your console, get the full info here!

That’s a lot of stuff! They’re changing the UI, a boatload of tanks, a couple of game mechanics for Cold War, fixing bugs… I’m not sure I like some changes, like the French tier 10 arty getting a reload buff (NOT a fan of that specific tank) or German tanks getting better damage but worse reload to compensate. Also worth noting that this will take 4 hours.
Oh, and they added pretty reflections on PS5/XSX.
Having said that, I’m asking for a little favor: sometimes the links I post get downvoted, and to be honest I don’t mind, but if something isn’t welcome let me know why! As far as I can tell all I’ve been posting is useful or interesting to know, so I’m not seeing a pattern.