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What is the eeriest, creepiest, most unexplainable thing you’ve experienced?

These were always the best AskReddit questions, fake or not, so let’s hear ‘em.

  • As a child, I woke up once to see my plushies and figures on top of my shelf facing the opposite direction they were before I'd gone to bed. Rather than facing towards my window, they were turned towards the wall. I simply can't come up with an explanation that makes sense to me. I obviously didn't do it myself. Nobody in my family would care to do such a prank. It was a very high shelf; you'd have to climb up on my bed to be able to easily reach the top. And I'm pretty sure, between my loud-arse door and the night light from the corridor being in my face and me generally being a light sleeper, I would've woken up if someone did enter and especially put a foot on my bed to reach the top of the shelf.

  • This is probably the only spooky thing that has happened to me (so far!): a couple months ago I was traveling for work and staying in a hotel. The room had a balcony but I tried the sliding door when I first got there, and it would not budge, even though I checked I had unlatched it properly. It was just plain stuck so I relatched it and gave up on my dream of balcony coffee mornings for the week. The night before I left, I was sitting in bed reading on my tablet and I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye. I looked up to see the sliding door opening entirely of its own accord. There was nobody on the balcony, there was no earthquake that had jostled it loose, there had been no housekeeping during my stay to open it, it wasn't an electronic lock, I had no explanation! So I got up and closed the door and tried opening it again. Stuck?! I am not a ghosts person but even I was like...that is some ghost nonsense, I would totally do this if I was a ghost.

  • When I was a senior in highschool my friends and I went into this wooded area that supposedly had a witches house somewhere in it. (This was a year or two before Blair Witch had come out).

    There was a full moon so we had enough light to traverse the woods but couldn't see too far around us. After about 30 minutes some of the girls we were with wanted to turn around. My best friend volunteered to take them back and the rest of us continued on.

    After about another 30 minutes or we come to a big clearing in the middle of the woods. That's when I swear I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye. I looked over and saw nothing. Then I saw something out of the corner again and again. I kept seeing it out of the corner of my eye no matter which way I turned. My girlfriend who was holding my arm suddenly let go exclaiming I felt cold. Another guy in the group touched my arm and confirmed it. He described it as a coke can that just came out of the fridge. By this time I was shivering. This was in central Texas in August. It had to be in the 90s, maybe high 80s at the least. (Above 30° Celsius.)

    So we hightail it out of there. When we got out of the woods and met up with the ones who headed back, they were all freaking out. They ask us if we were fucking with them. And we repeatedly said no because we had just continued on when they turned back.

    Apparently as they were exiting the woods they all heard me yell my best friends name. After much arguing and discussion we put the timelines together. They heard my voice yell out to them at the same time I turned ice cold in the clearing. Which also happened to be the furthest point we were away from them. Plus I never yelled his name.

    Needless to say we hightailed it out of there. We were so freaked out we broke into a church to get some holy water. You know just in case something followed us.