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Even Stricter Laws - Why is Russia doing this to LGBT? Russia steps up attacks on LGBTQ+ people amid a climate of fear

New legislation would ban gender-affirming care and ID changes, while Putin explores reinstating conversion therapy...

Russia steps up attacks on LGBTQ+ people amid a climate of fear

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I want to learn and understand why Russia is doing this? From what i have read on other sites the laws against allowing LGBT people have only been getting stronger, meanwhile in CPC the society is moving slowly more progressively in some ways on the topic of LGBT, like they don't target them like what is happening in russia.

I'd really like to see this topic and article discussed.

What are other lemmygrad communities for discussing topics like this in the future?

Thank you.

  • It's mainly just religion. They aren't a worker's state so there are bound to be contradictions.

  • Maybe it's a reactionary response to the US empire pushing it so heavily around the world. The idea that the US is for something probably means its bad for anyone not in the empire might be the thinking. If another country had tried to do the same thing anywhere in the US empire back in the 90s you could bet there would be a reactionary retrenching backlash in the opposing direction in the US too.

    I could also be way off base.

    • On the topic of us empire pushing lgbt acceptance, looking at recent happenings with us laws towards lgbt people, it makes me doubt USA truly cares for lgbt people at all, but just does theatre in other countries to come back home and say "look we care about human rights".

    • That makes sense, though, i'd think they could do scientific studies in their country to determine how to best help their lgbt people and not politicise human decency, they'd see in their studies being lgbt is as immutable as being straight or cis-gender.

  • One could argue about the “Third Rome” theory, if you subscribe to that, that says Imperial Russia was the logical continuation of the Roman Empire, due to Ivan the Great marrying Constantine XI’s niece Sophia. By that logic, after the Ottomans sacked “Rome” (Constantinople, but the residents called themselves Romans; we call them ‘the Byzantine Empire’ so we don’t have to admit Muslims took down the Roman Empire), that left Ivan, by marriage, the last remaining caesar/czar, a title that was passed down to his and Sophia’s heirs.

    Perhaps Putin is trying to call back to Imperial Russia to entrench himself. Perhaps he just wants to score points with the Russian Orthodox Church and we’re overthinking it.

    Or, my guess, his advisors said it would please the oligarchs to tacitly approve his continued capitalist rule.

  • Because you all need to learn that being “communist” doesn’t mean you have to defend everything ever perpetrated under that name, and you don’t need to support every dictator and despot that claims they have a communist party (usually only to hoard wealth and influence among the elite).

    Some people who call themselves what you call yourself are going to be pieces of shit. Some people who say they’re “communists” don’t operate a communist system, they are just power hungry motherfuckers that found a way to have people like those in this community push propaganda for free.

    Every person under every political label needs to understand this. You can support an idea without defending and lying about every single thing that has ever been done by people who also claim allegiance to that word. It’s a word. And people are complicated. A lot of “communists” are…just horrible people. And have been throughout communist history. A lot of them never wanted anything to do with communism past the part part where the central party has control over everything “for the good of the people.” Has anyone ever really made it past that part, who then went on to give up all that power?

    That whole “power corrupts” saying is common for a reason. It has quite a heaping spoonful of truth to it.