Announcement by Rail Delivery Group to ‘modernise’ industry will ramp up battle with unions
Rail firms have announced plans for the mass closure of England’s ticket offices to “modernise” the railway, ramping up the battle with unions and infuriating disability and passenger groups.
I'm fine with this. As long as there's staff by the machines to provide advice and assistance. Although if its going to rain, there should be a roof over their heads. Plus in case a customer gets violent, it would make sense to put up some kind of glass screen too. And maybe a queue system so people don't bombard them.
I remember being so confused when I visited NYC via the MTA trains. The kiosk asked me if I needed a peak time ticket but didn’t list those times. Then going back out of the city if it wasn’t for the guy in the ticket window I probably would have just had to move in to Grand Central full time.
I hope they consider changing some of this for the groups of people that need a little help.
Not long come back from Japan where the trains are super staffed and getting around was bliss (other than getting lost in the massive stations). Their train system is also privatised, if they can do it why can't we?