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Police Union Defends Forfeiture By Saying Anyone Carrying A Bunch Of Cash Is Probably A Criminal Police Union Defends Forfeiture By Saying Anyone Carrying A Bunch Of Cash Is Probably A Criminal

I’m always heartened to see another local news team start digging into asset forfeiture. Especially the ones that don’t sugarcoat the findings with headlines that read like they were cr…

Police Union Defends Forfeiture By Saying Anyone Carrying A Bunch Of Cash Is Probably A Criminal

Charlotte, North Carolina’s NBC affiliate, WCNC, tells it like it is. Although it puts quotes around a couple of phrases, it at least uses those phrases in the headline and subhead. “It is like highway robbery” says the headline. In the subhead: “policing for profit.”

  • It's shocking that civil asset forfeiture is still around federally. It's such a nonpartisan issue and is clearly unconstitutional.

  • 100% absolutely agree, as I watch the cops carrying cash away.

  • copper quote:

    “Criminals are taking this money from victims and using it to organize their criminal enterprises,”

    yea, you are the criminal here, buck-o.

  • Unless you’re a rich white old dude who fits their idea of a professional.

    Then surely he’s just rich and not doing any illegal things.