People check to see if they're American and then turn them upside down so the next person doesn't have to look it up. Not so much a protest as a warning to others who care.
But you’re right, I’m not to be taken seriously because this the comment section of a social media platform… I’m sitting the toilet rn, not writing some paper for a study
Clearly you aren't from around here then. Everyone I've talked to is avoiding American products and I've personally seen upside-down items. Maaaaaaybe you shouldn't make statements about the average Canadian if you're not informed.
Canadian here, more than happy to be your friend and also say yes, we’re pissed off. It really doesn’t take much for Canadians to like you: just don’t be a jerk, bonus points if you like hockey, that’s….basically it.
It takes a lot to get us genuinely mad. But if there’s one thing that gets us outta the cabin, it’s the opportunity to dust off our ol’ Nazi-stomping steel toes.