[spoilers] Help me find a movie
[spoilers] Help me find a movie
I have been looking everywhere for this movie I watched some time ago and I can't find it. I have no idea how it was called. It was on Netflix (don't know if still is), I don't think it was an original. It was some sort of indie or film festival movie, I believe it also won some sort of prize. I pretty sure it was east Asian, but I can't say for sure, maybe Korean.
Movie plot including ending
The movie plays in a cafe. The main protagonist has feelings for his neighbor. His room is over the cafe. There is a computer screen in his room and in the cafe. He and some friends/colleagues discover that the screens are suddenly connected but with a 1 minute time difference, you see in one screen what will happen on the screen camera on the other screen in one minute, on the other you will see one minute into the past. They mess around with it, but they realize that they can't change anything, everything they see happens exactly as they see it. In the end they put both screens in front of each other and then some sort of time agents appear.
That is all I can remember, would really appreciate help finding it
Edit: It was Beyond the infinite two minutes
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