Negatives are just starting at the top of the bar and trying to slow how quickly you drop down. If you can't do that, then there probably some other fitness priorities you should be focusing on instead.
This was how I was able to do them. It took about 10-15 days of trying before I was able to do one. Once I could do one, I was quickly able to do three. I was topping out at 10 after a month.
I was also losing weight quickly, and had gone from 210lbs to something much smaller. I didn't have a scale.
You can always do negatives. Put a bar around shoulder height, stand straight, grab it, and slowly lift your legs. You will start to slide down because you can't hold your bodyweight without putting your legs on the ground. So you'll slide down. Congratulations, you did a negative pull-up.
While you can, if weak enough or the tendons aren't used to the motion you can actually cause strain and minor injuries. It depends on the person's current fitness level, but if negatives don't feel doable there's no harm starting even slower with dead hangs and scapular pulls, or even assisted/banded negatives.
I mean you're literally just standing normally, holding onto something, and then slowly putting weight on what you're holding onto. I really can't see how this can go wrong.
Only if you can't stand or can't move your arms or something would this not be possible.
If you can't do negatives safely, work on just dead hangs with core activation, and move to scapular pulls just activating the lats.
You can also try inverted rows, where you take something like a bar and do "pull ups" or rows with your feet on the ground and pulling your chest up. Search those up; it's not an exact one to one, but will help developing strength with a kind of similar motion.