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What was your latest improvement to your Linux setup?


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  • A script full of functions that I perform often, like:

    • Probe every 5min for internet connection. Play Black Sabbath when there is. (My internet goes down often.)
    • Create individual tarballs/zips/rars for each subdir.
    • Extract all tarballs/zips/rars from a dir. (It detects the format on its own)
    • Extract all files of a DwarFS file into a dir.
    • Re-encode all vids from a dir.
    • Delete all thumbnail pictures from my user.
    • Find and remove all desktop.ini and thumbs.db files in a dir, recursively.

    My .bashrc then sources that script, so to use those functions I simply open a terminal. And if I ever need to delete my .bashrc and recreate it anew, they're safely stored in my scripts directory.