Nope. I'm equating slavery to tackling something in the constitution and changing it. You know, the thing you just implied was not something that could be done. I'm sure you know that and are obfuscating.
Yea everyone basically agreed slavery was bad...we fought a fucking civil war over it...the majority of the USA is pro-gun. You will never radify the constitution to remove or nullify the 2nd. It's not going to ever happen.
Because most of the ignorant south at the time didn't know shit about it being fought against slavery. Me and 100million + other firearm owners haven't killed anyone or used our firearms in anger..which harms 0 people... slavery harms a fuck load of people and you equating it to the 2nd is hilariously naive. Congress can't even get single payer healthcare past..yet you think we can ratify the constitution?