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Daily Thread: Saturday. It’s Saturday 24 June 2023

Whether you have plans today or are just staying in. May your Saturday be an awesome one. Stay safe, keep warm. Peace!


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  • Would you guys like me to give you household tips everyday? Because I have a lot of books on the subject and I have done many experiments over the years. My mum and dad were cleaners in past lives. We call cobwebs "Christmas decorations".

    • Yea please. Bonus points if you also include some crack/snake oil historical ones or dumb misogynistic household tips from the 50s.

      • "Take a moment before your husband is due to arrive home from work to freshen yourself up" said the generation that had real cocaine in their coke.

        • I like the one about not nagging your husband when he gets home because he's had a hard day and don't forget to apply some lipstick. 💄

        • If I had a bump of coke, I reckon I could cook a roast dinner, clean the house and entertain the boss too. All in a pair of heels

        • Well now I know why my brilliance has been foiled and my accomplishments tarnished

          Why didn’t anyone tell me that to be useful to the church and society, I just had to iron Mr Omoikiri’s shirts?

          • You are a blemish in your garments!

            A phrase I have never heard before, am not sure exactly what it means, but it certainly sounds bad.

      • I’ve got a book that recommends doing your hair and putting on lipstick before sewing

        • I haven’t washed my hair in four days, do you think I’ll be right to fire up the Singer?

      • I do have books on those subjects.

        • Oh baby. Give it to me

          • For you


            • Oh my god.

              I can’t wait to hear about everything I’m doing wrong.

            • Wunnderful! Does it include making pot scourers from the combings of horsehair from the horse that pulls the family carriage? And using cabbage leaves to clean the toilet (thunderbox style)? I have a copy of the 1898 edition of Mrs Beeton's Book of Household Management, which contains useful advice on hiring a butler. And housemaids. I could use both but the supply is very limited rn.

              • Is it like this book that has about 1000 pages?


                • Yep. Only a MUCH older edition. The recipies are about half of it. The rest is 'household management'. Including how to clean carpets without a vacuum, and how to prepare a bedroom suite for guests of ducal rank. Used tea leaves are involved for the carpets. And guests of ducal rank expect a tin of biscuits on the mantelpiece in case they get the munchies during the night. And fresh sealing wax in the escritoire. Makes one wonder a bit what the Gs of DR were getting up to on the preceding evening.

    • Yes please. I need all the help I can get...

    • Absolutely! Like u/anotherspringchicken if it can't be solved with bicarb soda, vinegar or gaffer tape, I'm SOL.

    • Yes please! My repertoire extends to bicarb soda and gaffer, and if things can’t be cleaned or fixed with either of those I’m out of ideas