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But they don't know what baseball is?


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  • It's the most critical part of the ship-Kirk uses it for showing off "diplomatic meetings"

    • I'm picturing Data showing McCoy around the Enterprise-D in Encounter at Farpoint-

      "Where's your bowling alley, boy?"

      "We do not have a bowling alley here, sir. But we have a holodeck that can simulate a bowling al-"

      "I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT MIXED-UP MOLECULES! Where's the bowling alley? This is the Enterprise, boy!"

      • With the size of the Enterprise-D I'm astonished someone didn't stick at least a mini bowling alley in there somewhere

        • A third of the ship is all Holodecks*, so if you want to bowl you could just load a program up.

          *Source: computed by taking the number of "holodeck is trying to kill everybody" episodes and dividing it by the total number of series episodes.