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This takes the cake as the most braindead thing I've ever seen the Start Menu do


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  • This comes from your search results. I just tried it, and for me it answers what you'd expect. I suspect you use a search system that's either bing, based on bing, or sends queries to bing, and as a result of that it assumed you wanted to search for this specific thing.

    Mind you, that makes it no less ridiculous since on the web, Bing can recognize that you put in a math query and answers it without wanting to autocomplete it. It's still bad, just in a slightly more specific way. šŸ˜‚

    • I did just try this again on my work laptop and it searched correctly. But the 2nd "search the web" suggestion still added a 0. Maybe I had searched that by accident by hitting enter after typing it (as it still opens Edge/Bing annoyingly).

      • Disable Bing in the search box on your personal computer. If you're performing searches on your desktop, even if you don't select a web search, it's still being sent to Microsoft and stored.

        • Just did that now, but unfortunately it still "corrects" the query.

          As an aside, I'd like to completely remove Edge too, but no matter what I've tried I just can't seem to get it leave me alone. Any suggestions?

          • I personally just nuke it. Since there's no official way to uninstall. Delete the entire contents of the Edge directory.

            remove-item -path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge" -recurse -force

            Recreate it.

            new-item -type "directory" -path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge"

            Take ownership.

            takeown /f "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge" /a /r

            Strip all current permissions.

            icacls "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge" /inheritance:r /q 

            Deny everyone.

            icacls "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge" /t /deny "Users:(OI)(CI)F" "Everyone:(OI)(CI)F" "NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller:(OI)(CI)F" "SYSTEM:(OI)(CI)F" /q

            This process effectively breaks the ability for the Edge Update utility to install/update the Edge browser. This is intended so you never see it again. The shortcut can be deleted at C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs. Thankfully, Edge is not hard coded into the shell so it will disappear. I've never had it come back or experienced any ill side effects. There are left over registry entries but they are harmless and don't cause problems. File associations can be overridden with your own choices. Do not remove Edge WebView as it is a system and third party app dependency.

      • Why the fuck do you think using search is an adequate replacement for a calculator? This is dumb.

        • Because it's more convenient than any other option available. Every time I've used it before it's worked.

    • I suspect the have the . and , switched in their language preferences, so the dot would just an arbitrary separator.