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I already pay for it and will continue to do so. I have no issues spending money for a product I enjoy.
It's never enough, soon they're going to show ads even to you, a paying customer. It's happening to some streaming providers already, it's coming to YouTube too, mark my words. Online streaming is turning into cable.
I pay the content creators I enjoy. Youtube can make due with the data they harvest and sell.
Woah there! Radical opinion you have, spending money? Like dollars? On stuff you use and enjoy that costs money to make happen? Crazy talk.
Agreed, only for the reason to watch videos at night on my iOS device and to not be blasted by ads during a video. Now it looks like the hand is being forced on my other devices. Praise be SponserBlock still though.
I'm here with you, the inclusion of YT Music makes it worth it.... If only stadia was still alive and rolled in...