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It's so nice to see them all growing, but this is just the truth, sorry.


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  • It's bizarre to me how, on this decentralised and FOSS platform with a ton of clients already available, people have been only waiting for the closed source one (with ads and payment to boot if I'm not mistaken?).

    To each their own, but it's still a sad state of society.

    • People will use whatever is familiar especially if it's better than the other alternatives. I've been using jerboa and the initial beta version of sync is much better imo. Liftoff was okay but still not as good.

      • So what were they using in the meantime? I was using Slide for Reddit, but now I'm using something else.

        ( Slide for Lemmy exists but is a very early version.)

        • Probably jerboa or the other apps, or maybe even a pwa as it wasn't that bad. What I meant by familiar was about people migrating from reddit. Haven't tried slide yet though.

    • A very limited amount of people care or even know what FOSS is. Sync helps a lot of people access Lemmy, et al with a minimum of friction in general since it's something familiar to them or trusted. Building communities requires accessibility and ease of access overall.

      Also, there's not much you can glean from this about society. A lot of this language just sounds like really weird gatekeeping.

      • Why is everyone so defensive about this? I was using Slide and Infinity on Reddit for years, I was familiar with them - and now I'm using something else. I adapted.

        In fact I use a multitude of things, right now a I'm writing from the native PWA. Later I'll switch to Jerboa or Liftoff or maybe I'll be testing Infinity.

        Yea people unwilling to adapt, try new things, unable to see the entire point of this network, and instead just running to the "familiar" without looking around and trying to understand what's actually happening - yes, it is a small peak to society, because we see the same behaviour in all aspects of life.

    • And that's happening when there are good FOSS clients available already. I don't think anyone saying Sync is unmatched in terms of smoothness has tried Infinity yet.

    • "people want to use apps that are familiar, feature rich, and easier to use"

      You: WhAt a SaD sTaTe oF SoCiEtY

      • Man, you people are real addicts. I've seen such defensiveness from Apple users, but just of some random app?

        Now I'm gonna despise Sync even more for bringing people like this from Reddit.

    • Use a fucking VPN and the free version, FFS. Even then, it's light years beyond the other attempts at Lemmy readers. Are you new, or just want something to whinge about?