I usually hack stuff together with vim and tmux (I know, it's redundant but Ctrl b is just a reflex at this point) when on a remote machine, but I use vscode at work and recently discovered the remote mode for Linux development... It's pretty awesome, like not anything you can't set up with vim or emacs, but it's seamless remote development if you already like to use vscode
I would like to do remote dev directly on the target, but it only has64Mb qspi Flash and 512Mb of RAM, so I can't install any modern development tools without exploding my 64Mb.
I cross compile with arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc so I at least don't need to use the awful Xilinx IDE.
Since we're not sure yet if we will keep our current hardware for 1.0, but not tying my project to a vendor tools, I can easily switch my custom scripts for the new hardware.
Hmm are you compiling code? Sounds like the kind of platform that shouldn't host its own build tools. For that kind of setup I would consider building a remote dev box that can push to / debug the target platform? Maybe even control power to reset the dev board.