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Daily Discussion Thread: Sat 22 Jul 2023

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  • Bribing myself failed. I have not completed my assignment, and I just ate my treat anyway.

    I am looking at houses, which is what I am supposed to do, so it is at least a start. I'm really not finding a lot of places that look comfortable to be in. Far too many hard surfaces and square edges.

    • Is that houses in a landscape, or interior design????

      • Sustainable design of houses. The assignments for this subject are all about making a brief for your own housing project, and this week I am trying to find some examples of designs I like. There is a subject I will do next year that focuses on landcape as well.

        I think I've found my examples now:

        This one for "quality" (as in quality of light etc, not quality of the building work itself)

        Garden Tower House

        Image: A garden alcove in the house brings light and relaxing views inside the house, with a corridor opposite the alcove providing a day bed with space to relax.

        This one for "functional"

        Bellvue Terrace

        This space is designed to both connect the inside to the back yard, and also provides a multitude of sliding doors and shutters to enable it to be varied for different times of day and different seasons.

        • Fascinating. Both seem to have a very japanese feel to them, while being quite different. This sounds like a very interesting assignment.

        • The bellvue terrace is a huge no from me. I wouldn't survive those steps after a few.

          • I'd definitely be avoiding the steps for myself too, but the space above it looks pretty good.

    • Far too many hard surfaces and square edges.

      Yes! Especially in bathrooms, which I neither like the look of nor understand.

    • Your examples look beautiful. But yeah, current house fashion is very square styles and monotone greys. In some ways it’s nice, but it does lack personality and coziness. I dream about one day winning lotto and being able to have a house that is thoughtfully designed.

      • My prefered colour tones are all warm earth colours, and I like curves and much softer lines. The current trends are not something I like. Hopefully by the time I can actually afford to do anything the fashions will have changed and I can have a few more options. Having tried to buy a few replacement items to match my current cream tones I am aware how hard it can be to go against the trends.