I can still vote in general elections for whoever I want.
Heck, maybe they’ll listen to me more because I’m an independent voter in a swing state and not someone who they can take for granted as a party member.
I'm sure Schumer and his ilk will thank you. Now they won't even have to pretend to care what you want etc.
I mean I get it. Current leadership is absolutely shit. Though I'm not sure why the right solution to that is to give up your voice and let them have power easier. Honestly I'm going to stay in the party and call them out louder. I'm not a Democrat anyhow I'm just in the party as an opposition to Republicans, and the fact there is no real Anarchist party. For obvious reasons. So why not have my voice heard and have what little bit of influence I can.
I don't blame you at all. Is the Working Families Party at all active near you? They have a reasonable presence in NY (which, admittedly, is where Schumer is). I find that they represent my values much better than the Democratic Party, and I've enjoyed the people I've met through them.