I mean, are they materially worse than Paris Hilton and Kimberly Kardashian? Or the Jersey Shore crowd? I'm not here to judge.
But I didn't really follow them when I was age-appropriate to care about that shit, anyway. Was too busy reading blogs about the newest feature list of an up-and-coming MMORPG or tearing through the latest edition of my favorite TTRPG, because I was focused on what truly mattered.
At some point, its not an age thing, its just a taste thing. I could probably name more web comix artists and indie board games than C-list celebrities and Reality TV shows, and that's fine.
Listening to what their interests are is a good way to connect with much younger (or much older!) people. I'll happily listen to a kid explain Fortnite to me, or my to grandpa talk about his favourite TV show. I'll ask them some questions about it and get a conversation going.
I'm an old coot, I know some names like something paul, mr beast or pewdiepie, from when I was on reddit years ago, I know those guys are "youtuber" because I saw the thumbnail, but I have no clue what they do or what they speak of or why they would be famous?!? I don't watch youtube, first because comments are toxics, it takes too much time, who spent hours listening/watching some rants by some guy in his basement?!? I'm like an out of touch skinner :)
From what i can tell, YT comments have actually improved over the years. Still plenty of garbage, but it's bearable and there is some real discussion sometimes now.