The front and back yards are there to increase pervious cover. That's it.
I work in municipal development and have worked in dense areas, suburbs, and now work in an enclave for the ultra-rich (average new house is about 7 million dollars in the city where I work). Every single developer wants to level all the trees and build as much on the lot as possible with zero pervious cover anywhere, and they don't give the smallest fuck about flooding the downhill neighbors.
And defaulting to mixed-use zoning in residential neighborhoods to lower the demand for such parking lots in front of corner stores? Right anakin? And surely you'll be outlawing concrete slab driveways in favor of semipermeable parking surfaces? Right Anakin??
Narrator: "flood protection" was in fact yet another transparent excuse to keep building the most soulless and uniform shit imaginable in the name of racism and classism.
It's never, ever maintained properly and the inlets or "permeable" pavement gets plugged up and effectively gets turned into 100% IC almost every installation. My last city's engineering team went from encouraging it to recommending it be banned when they saw what happens when it isn't maintained.
There’s some pervious asphalt at my office that has over 10 years of fines in it and infiltrates <1”/hr. If you hit it with a vacuum it quickly clears to >50”/hr.