Meta says its working urgently to fix a problem with Instagram which results in a "results hidden" message when users search for the terms "Democrat" or "Democrats".
If that's hard to fix, I recommend shutting down the servers forever.
Makes me wonder if it was something like a lot of people were scrolling those hashtags and leaving hate comments and it triggered some automated hide feature and now they're trying to find some middle ground. That's being very generous to Meta though.
All I can think about is how Israel’s AI targeting program (lavender) is coming to a leftist near you. Combine with ukraines AI drones and we have a technofascist future where dissent gets removed permanently. Instead of banning your account they’ll be banning your life.
To the uninitiated technocrat sounds like techno democrat - techno democracy. It doesn’t sound that bad. Technofascist doesn’t have the same muddiness - it’s clear what they are.